Lent is a time to remember and reflect.  So we’ve asked a number of people to share their stories with us.  Today, we hear from Janis Carlson, one of our Deacon Team members…

I cannot recall a time when I did not know about Jesus. My parental home was a God-fearing, God believing wonderful home. The atmosphere in our home left no doubt that Jesus Christ is God’s gift for salvation. Yet, knowing about the Lord is not knowing Him. When I was seven years old, I came home from Sunday School talking about faith as much as a child like me was capable. After talking my mom was with me as I prayed to accept Jesus as my Savior. However, I did not have a clear memory as the time passed. Many friends had dates written in their Bibles recording the time they put their trust in Christ. I had no date. It did cause me some concern. Yet, I knew I believed. I knew Jesus promise was true. So later when someone showed me in the Bible Timothy’s story — Paul said in 2 Timothy Chapter 1 — “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” that’s my story, I thought, just change the names of grandmother and mother. What a happiness I knew.

Years have passed. There have been ups and downs but always a steady sense of God’s love and powerful keeping me in His care. The journey of growth continued and does so today.

LentWe have had many requests for a Lenten Devotional series similar to the one we do at Advent.  But with Lent beginning so early this year and with much going on in the office, we decided early on that we would not put out a publication of Devotionals.  Instead, we would post something on our website (libcov.org) each day through Lent this year.  These devotionals will be found in the Pastor’s Blog section which can be found in the column at the lower right of the home screen.  We will not be posting on days when we gather for worship (Ash Wednesday, Sundays, Good Friday) but the other days will be a variety of devotionals ranging from personal testimonies of our LCC family to devotional thoughts to bible studies to passages of scripture that have meant a lot to us.  So may your Lenten journey be fruitful as you pray, fast, ponder, and prepare for our celebration of the Cross and Resurrection.

thanksgivingWant some pre-Thanksgiving pie? Want to hear what we’re all so thankful for? Want to join a wonderful community as we celebrate all that God has done for us? Then come and join us on Wed., Nov. 25 at 7pm for our Thanksgiving Eve Service and Dessert Buffet! Worship for everyone followed by desserts and laughter. We’d love to see you there!