Most people think they know what the church is against, we want to show them what the church is for. We want to show the people of Libertyville that Libertyville Covenant Church is for them, and that God is for them. This was the task given to the Gospel Footprint team and here is their plan.
It is Spring and time once again to come out and help us beautify our church and grounds. There are tasks for every age and talent. This is always a fun time for fellowship and for meeting new members.
Saturday, May 3rd, 8 a.m. to noon
We will have a BBQ Lunch to celebrate a job well done!
Do you ever feel like you are trying to walk a tightrope while juggling ten balls in the air? We know it’s not easy to manage all of the activities in life and sometimes it can be overwhelming to keep it all in balance. Jesus talked about balance quite a bit in the gospels and was known for big sayings like…”But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” We are excited to reveal a great set of opportunities this summer for our congregation to connect, dream, work together and invite God to move in big ways. Our goal this summer is to inspire the entire congregation experience and develop “God first living”.
We believe summer with a more relaxed schedule is a great time to seek “God first living” in two primary ways. First we desire to deepen our love for God and secondly our love for others. Everything we do this summer is guided by these goals.
As we work to develop “God First Living” we invite you to consider joining one of three teams this summer. Each team will dream and develop key activities and experiences that will help all of us pursue a deeper faith in Christ.
Team # 1: Wednesday Night
This team is responsible for the development and promotion of the summer church family nights. This team is focused on creating exciting and engaging intergenerational opportunities for discipleship.
Team # 2: Gospel Footprint
This team is being formed with the goal of developing a gospel presence in our immediate community (Libertyville). “How can we engage our community with the Gospel that alerts them to our presence and care?”
Team # 3: LCC Summer Church Family Retreat
This team is responsible for the development and promotion of the church Family Retreat at Conference Point Center in Williams Bay, WI August 8-10th.
Sign up sheet: