Our denomination is very committed to church health. Our church is currently participating in Veritas, a program designed to help churches be healthy and missional.
Luke 24:13-23 (click to display NIV text)
April 7, 2013: Eastertide
Pastor Dwight A. Nelson
“When he was at table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.”
The Gospels tell of disciples going back to what was familiar to them after the events of the cross and resurrection. In John we read of Peter, who decides to go fishing. Here in Luke we find two disciples walking on a road, about seven miles, to a village called Emmaus. It does not say why they were going on such a long walk, but perhaps they were going home, going back to a familiar life. And Jesus interrupted them on their journey and redirected their lives. Read more
- A prayer of thanksgiving for Brady DeJong’s successful surgery and release from hospital
- Alyce Hawkinson, Paul’s Mom, as she recovers from a broken hip
- Kevin Vollrath, who is now in Greece studying abroad
- A prayer of thanksgiving for Joe and Andra Dalton, and their new Daughter, Kajsa Elizabeth
- Caren Vollrath as she recuperates from knee surgery
- Lisa Kindstrom, whose neighbor and friend died tragically
- Fritz and Barb Lansky, as Fritz is now in hospice
- The Pastoral Search Committee as they have their first meeting
- Our conference camping ministries, as they prepare for Summer