Luke 12:1-12 
(click to display NIV text)
July 14, 2013
Pastor Dwight A. Nelson

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Indeed, not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Jesus said that in his day you could buy five sparrows for two cents. I wonder what they cost today. I do not get into the grocery store very often. What are sparrows selling for at Mariano’s today?

When we read this passage, we need to be reminded that yes, in Jesus’ day, poor people did eat sparrows, because it was an affordable way to get a little meat into the diet. If you were invited to someone’s house for wings back then, you had to keep that in mind. This illustration that Jesus uses to speak of the care of God presumes an audience of the poor, people who were easily overlooked or forgotten. Jesus says to them that God even knows about the little sparrows they eat. So he must also know about them, he must watch them and value them. The humble are not forgotten by God. Jesus is teaching his disciples about the goodness of God. Read more


We will be having a congregational meeting on July 28th shortly after the service. Our primary focus of the meeting will be to discuss the council’s recommendation to move to one service in the fall during this transition period.  The main goal is preservation of resources and the advantage of worshiping together as a unified body.



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The Search Committee appreciates your responses to the survey recently sent to members and friends electronically. Hard copies are available at the Information Center. Please complete the survey by July 21st as this is a key piece in determining potential pastoral candidates. If you have questions, contact any member of the search committee.

  • Pastoral Search Committee
  • Fritz Lansky
  • Brent Keller
  • Lisa Kindstrom
  • Bill Purtzer
  • The 29 Senior High Youth, Counselors and the group from Mexico as they travel to South Dakota
  • Landon Johnson, Griffin Johnson, Noah James, Owen Aaberg and Peyton Gomez at Covenant Point this week