Click to Download: In The Spirit: September 2014
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Our MOM to MOM Friday morning group has been very significant here at LCC. Many women from our church and community come twice a month to share and support one another. We usually need 6 volunteers for childcare and kids pro-gram. Please consider helping one or two Friday’s a month beginning October 10. If you want more information or to volunteer, contact Larissa Greenfield 566-2254 or the church office. We need helpers!!
Sunday School begins September 14. If you would like to teach or help with a class please contact Hannah Dillon at [email protected] or 630-414-0587. She is looking for 3 month commitments for either k-2nd or 3rd-5th grade. Larissa Greenfield is coordinating Kids Club. Niki Papak is coordinating Children’s Church.
Paul Nauman and Ben Palmberg are coordinating the adult class options. Con-tact one of them if you have a suggestion or would like to offer an option.
Meghan DeJong is our Youth Ministries Coordinator [email protected] or 773-841-6391. Taylor Sexton our Youth Intern.
New intergenerational fellowship group! Ages 7 to 87 are invited to attend.
Tending a gardening is a daily activity, just like tending to our faith. Beginning Saturday, August 23 meet weekly with Nancy Borkman through the end of October in the Erik Peterson Memorial Garden and monthly indoors in non-growing season. You can choose between two regularly scheduled gardening times every week to accommodate your busy lives – whichever one you feel fits your schedule better.
Various topics of discussion will center on the similarities between tending a garden and tending to our faith. Each gathering will have a topic focus to learn more about an aspect of growing a garden that corresponds with a faith application. With discussion there will be the usual garden tending activities of picking vegetables, watering, weeding, the how-tos of seed propagation, plant selection, direct sowing, transplanting, digging, harvest schedules, frost protection and general maintenance.
Tuesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 o’clock p.m. (adjusted for light as the fall progresses) and Saturdays from 8:30 to 9:30 o’clock a.m. One topic each week. Monday’s topic will repeat on Saturday.
Refreshments like donuts or coffee cake and a beverage (temperature appropriate for the weather) will be provided.