Those with health concerns: Connie Backstrom, Gene Sparks, Barb Zienty, Beth Murray, Kjersten Johnson, Iris Holmes (Tricia Sorensen’s mom), Lauren (Hanna Monson’s roommate), Robert and Caroline Kubala (who are now home)
Covenant Point and Covenant Harbor Bible Camps as they prepare for their summer ministries
JoEllen Reaves and the missions she served in Mexico
Our Jr. High Youth who have spent the weekend at Covenant Harbor Deep Freeze Retreat
Mike Anderson and Lauren Griffin as they celebrate their engagement and prepare for marriage
Those with health concerns: Connie Backstrom, Gene Sparks, Barb Zienty, Beth Murray, Kjersten Johnson
Karl & Sue Peterson and Family as they deal with unexpected medical expenses
Covenant Point and Covenant Harbor Bible Camps as they prepare for their summer ministries and the many students who will be experiencing Christian Camping
Tricia Sorensen’s mom , Iris Holmes, as she recovers from surgery
The young mother who lost her 10-year old son this week just 6 months after her husband died in Afghanistan
Hanna Monson’s roommate, Lauren, who sustained a serious back in-jury in a recent rock climbing accident in Germany