The Pastoral Search Committee has been meeting regularly and is making good progress.  We have 3 sub-committees working on the main tasks required:

  • Completing the church profile
  • Writing a job description
  • Incorporating the information from the staff interviews that were completed

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  • Pastoral Search Committee
  • Holly and Thomas LaPradd who will be campers at Covenant Point this week
  • Maria, who will be the camp pastor and speaker for the 2nd –5th graders this week
  • Fritz and Barb Lansky
  • Brent and Brittani Keller as he begins chemo treatments
  • Lisa Kindstrom who is recovering from knee replacement surgery
  • Steve, Susan and Hannah Barg as they move to Galena
  • Hanna Monson as she prepares for her work in Germany
  • Bill Purtzer, brother of Ann Frost, as he begins treatment for a recurrence of cancer
  • Paul and Lisa (Hjelm) Cousineau who were married here Saturday

Luke 10:25-37 
(click to display NIV text)
June 16, 2013
Pastor Dwight A. Nelson

” ‘Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?’ The expert in the Law replied, ‘The one who had mercy on him.’ Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise.’ “

There are two problems with listening to a well-known story. Because we know the story, we do not listen as carefully as we should, and we tend to jump ahead to the end before the story is ready for us. So some of you may already be thinking about how you might be a “Good Samaritan.” You might be anticipating where this sermon is going, and so you are already wondering about the wisdom of stopping on the highway to help someone with a flat tire, or how you should handle a situation when you are downtown and a homeless person asks you for some money. So as we begin I want to ask you to let go of some of those ideas and simply listen, as if for the first time, to the story that Jesus tells. Read more

  • Pastoral Search Committee
  • Covenant Harbor and Covenant Point and Hannah, Bobby, Hanna and Tim who will be counseling this summer
  • Fritz and Barb Lansky
  • Community Christian Food Pantry and the many people served by it
  • The Vitality Team
  • Brent and Brittani Keller as Brent was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • Carol and Al Nielson and family on the recent death of Carol’s uncle, Howie Anderson
  • Brian McLinden who was hospitalized this week to be treated for a bug bite
  • Brad Rosengren as he officially began as our Youth Intern this week with increased summer hours.

Garden PhotoWe have beautiful new trellises to support our tomatoes, peas and beans! A spigot has been installed at the northeast corner of the garden, so now watering can get done in 10-15 minutes! Let’s make watering and tending the garden as fun as possible. What if pairs and trios of people would commit to watering once a week for a month, and afterward could go someplace to enjoy conversation over coffee or ice cream? I would commit some time weekly for that! Wouldn’t you?
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